It’s important for people of all ability levels to keep their body active, fit and strong through regular exercise and physical activity. Luckily, technology is making it easier to learn how to keep fit, stay motivated, and find help. If you have a smartphone, here are some apps we recommend to help your fitness efforts.
Fitness for Amputees (iOS and Android)
This app is tailored for single lower-limb amputees, and does not require much special equipment. All their exercises can be performed with just a towel, mat and ball. The workouts train strength, endurance, coordination and balance. They also include ways to stretch and relax muscles to keep them flexible. Probably most important of all, this app is also usable offline.
Evolve 21 (iOS, Android)
Evolve 21 started out as the CPF Challenge, which was part workout and part fundraising effort. It includes specialised workouts for people with limited mobility, demonstrated by coaches with varying degrees of mobility. People with and without disabilities can therefore do the same workout together. The idea is to complete one seven-minute workout for 21 days running, and unlock all the workouts permanently. There are cardio, yoga and meditation options. The app was USD25 when it first launched, but is now free to download.
Physiotherapy Exercises (iOS, web)
This app needs some knowledge of medical terms, as it was originally designed for physiotherapists. It is a comprehensive database of physiotherapy exercises, with illustrations that make them easier to learn. It’s also available in a web format, and you can view it from your desktop or mobile device.
SCI-Ex (iOS, Android)
SCI-Ex was designed specifically for wheelchair users and people with spinal cord injuries (SCI). It includes recommended exercises, video demos and an activity tracker. The recommended exercises can be done with a trainer or caregiver in a gym.
Sworkit (iOS, Android)
Sworkit focuses on body weight exercises that you can do anywhere, without any additional specialised equipment. It creates personalised workouts ranging from 5-60 minutes long, depending on your schedule and fitness levels. You can also customise your own workouts.
Sworkit is the only paid option on this list, ranging from USD4.99/RM20+ a month all the way up to USD79.99/RM320+ a year for an Unlimited Premium Subscription. However, you can start with a free 30-day trial and cancel your subscription before it ends to avoid extra charges. A list of free exercise resources is also available by request through support@sworkit.com.
These are just a few of numerous apps available out there to help PWD stay active. Technological support through apps, videos and tutorials makes it that much easier to lead a healthier lifestyle and gain strength, flexibility and self-confidence.
Amy L. (2012) Apps to Help You in the Gym [Accessed: 19 Feb 2019] Available at: https://www.disabled-world.com/assistivedevices/apps/fitness-apps.php
Katie D. (2017) New fitness app offers accessible workouts for people of all abilities [Accessed: 19 Feb 2019] Available at: https://mashable.com/2017/03/20/disability-fitness-app-cpf-challenge/#aar0iNWonOqW
Lainie I. (2018) 13 Favorite Apps for People With Chronic Conditions [Accessed: 19 Feb 2019] Available at: https://themighty.com/2018/10/apps-chronic-illness-disability/
Lawrence R., Jeanne S., Ph.D. (2018) How to Exercise if You Have Limited Mobility [Accessed: 19 Feb 2019] Available at: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/healthy-living/chair-exercises-and-limited-mobility-fitness.htm/
Nadja S. (2017) There’s an App That Helps People with Amputations Work Out [Accessed: 19 Feb 2019] Available at: https://tonic.vice.com/en_us/article/wn38kz/theres-an-app-that-helps-people-with-amputations-work-out
Seth M. (2017) New Pilot Fitness App Launched by Shepherd Center [Accessed: 19 Feb 2019] Available at: http://www.newmobility.com/2017/02/fitness-app/